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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Origins Out of Trouble Mask

Flo gave me some of this the other day because I wanted to see if it really works. I have been preserving the amount she gave me because I didn't want to use it up till I received my own tube HAHA  ( I ordered it after like 2 uses). Can I just say that she's so sweet?! wlao like she told me 'Nevermind I give you some to try first see if it works for you' cause I wanted to buy it since she really loves it. Read her mini review here!

I don't have a picture of it yet but here's a screeenshot off the Origins Website!

It costs 50 SGD for 3.4Oz if I'm not wrong but I ordered it from US so it's even cheaper hahaha
This mask is damn cheap considering it's such an amazing mask.
I have paid waaaaay more for facial masks cause I just don't mind investing in skincare. 

You don't have to use much with this mask. I just put it on certain areas and spots that I feel need it. The product ever seems to end though. I'm not sure if it's cause she gave me quite a lot or that the product is really (Y) HAHA

Anyways, about the mask itself, I love it. Seriously love it. I love everything about it. The smell is like zambuk I feel. And it looks a bit like a toothpaste but a bit thicker. I love the consistency. And I love the fact that it doesn't sting my face and it washes off well without leaving my skin dry. It also doesn't have any residue. 
It has this minty feeling and it's damn cooling and not overpowering!
I feel like it really does something. I can't describe it though.
I felt a spot growing on my nose (WORST PLACE TO GET A PIMPLE) that day and I immediately used it for like a few hours cause I was lazy to wash it off. After I washed it off I felt like the spot 'stopped' forming. If that makes sense. Like it was less painful and after using my usual spot treatments that night, the pimple didn't even surface!!!! I'm pretty sure the mask played a part although my topical treatments are quite fantastic.
I've used this on like my chin, which is always clogged, and I can see a difference. It works just like the Kiehl's Mask I like. I feel like it draws out the oil and after I wash it off, the bumps are easier to squeeze. I really really love this product and I can't wait to receive mine~

It's made best for oily skin types but I have combination skin and it works just fine ☺
Flo has oily skin and she really loves it too!

Talking about this makes me wanna use it now so I'm going to end here! 

Hope this helps!

Lots of love,

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